Establish a marketing calendar for major financial services organization

Business problem  

A large financial services asset management firm's marketing organization was having great difficulty in getting collateral and content out of their shared marketing service organization. 


Our Solution

End-to-end audit of process from marketing strategy through delivery to understand how work is developed, glean the organizational roadblocks, and gain awareness of each internal group's goals and objectives



  • Discovered that there was no marketing strategy across marketing or shared services organizations and no visibility into the work in the pipeline, which made it difficult to plan resources.
  • Created an annual marketing calendar with all run rate projects and any net new projects.
  • Created creative brief process so all work was related to annual marketing strategy plan
  • Reduced all ad hoc projects that did not follow the stated strategy.
  • Recommended organizational changes that would reduce headcount by 50% and free up resources to focus on real marketing.
  • Adjusted roles and responsibilities based on our findings.